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3. How it works?

DM Customizer is providing a user interface in the NPanel > DMCustomizer. You will be able to change the background color, the subset color and more of the thumbnail generated by DECALMachine.

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NPanel in the 3DViewport

DM Customizer will apply its settings during the bake of a decal. So the only thing you need to do is set the colors and settings you want and use the DECALMachine bake like you use to. A preview button allows you to see what will be the result.


The preview is available for multiple decal types, use the dropdown to change the preview.
Notice: The preview is just an example, you still need to bake your decal using DECALMachine

The Zoom Factor is for the size of the decal on the thumbnail. Decreasing it under 1 will make the decal smaller, increasing it to more than 1 to make the decal bigger.

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Zoom Factor (left 1.0, right 1.4)